Popular Flights between Major China Cities:
The air distance between Shanghai and Guangzhou is 1, 231 kilometers (about 765 miles). The flying time is about 2 hours. About 294 scheduled direct flights fly between these two cities weekly, which are mainly operated by the major airlines in China. On average, there are 42 flights scheduled daily, leaving from 07:30 to 21:40. The embarking and landing airports involved are Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport (CAN), Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG) and Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport (SHA).
As these three airports are all the largest air hubs in China, passengers should check airfare and book tickets in advance before traveling, and ensure their arrival at any of these airports at least one hour prior to departure, especially for those who have luggage that needs to be checked in. Transportation from airports to the city center is convenient. For more details, you can refer to our specific airport page.
Q & A
Q: How far from Shanghai to Guangzhou? I will arrive at Shanghai Pudong Airport. After a couple of days, I want to have a visit to Guangzhou. How should I go to the city?
A: It is about 1, 800km between the two cities by rail and the journey takes about 20 hours. So, you’d better travel by air which may be the best way for you.
Q: I am in Guangzhou now and my return flight will depart from Shanghai. How can I travel to that city? Are there any direct flights and which airlines?
A: There are direct flights provided by China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Shanghai Airlines or Air China daily from Guangzhou to Shanghai. Well, you can also use the searching tool in this website to look for more information.
Q: I decide to fly from Shanghai to Guangzhou on August 6, 2011. Can I get a cheap air ticket at that time? Which airlines should I take?
A: If you book the air ticket two months before your departure date, you may get a better discounted ticket. According to your date, there is a cheap flight provided by Shanghai Airlines available at that time. I find that 40% off ticket are now available on this website. You can book it now.