The train from Hong Kong to Guangzhou is the easiest way to travel between the two cities. Below you’ll find information on where to catch the train timetables and prices for the train from Hong Kong to Guangzhou.
From Where?
In Hong Kong, all trains run from Hung Hom station in Kowloon and arrive at Guangzhou East station in Guangzhou.
There are twelve trains daily between the two cities. Travel time is around two hours.
The first train departs Hung Hom at 07:25 and the last train is at 19:24.
The first train departs Guangzhou at 08:19 and the last train is at 21:32.
Prices and Tickets
Tickets are priced at a standard HK$190 one-way. Tickets can bought up to twenty minutes before departure in Hong Kong, but must be bought six hours before departure in Guangzhou.
Please note that you’ll need to allow time for border formalities, the twenty minutes mentioned above is for Hong Kong ID holders. See passport formalities below.
Tickets can be bought either at the station or through the tele ticketing hotline on (852) 2947 7888. Tickets bought on the hotline can be collected at the station. The MTR website has more information.